Author: Adisha
•Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Why are relations made so complicated, tangled up in expectations, formalities and mind games? Any friendship should be bound by heart, enriching your life in every way! Loaded with wonderful moments, sprinkled with laughter, with a lavish frosting of well meaning words of advice and lively, feel good conversations. Is a relationship that makes you uncomfortable or is really hard to work at worth the effort?

I'm sure we all agree, every relation is give and take. Of feelings, words, etiquette, gifts, compliments, good news, bad news, laughter and so on so forth. At any point, when give starts overtaking the take by a mile or more, is when it's time to pull out smoothly, cutting your losses short. For there are a lot of people, while never short on expectations, never stop to take stock that the friendship scales' balance is totally out of whack and needs a dose of real thoughtfulness. And sometimes, even the little kindness they shower is attached with a bill of prospects due immediately. Why is that? Can't people be kind just for the sake of being kind, just once in a while. Putting someone else before themselves, and not thinking about what they will get in return. I know for a fact, no act of kindness goes unrewarded so why is it that it is desired to be cashed in, instantly ?

I abhor games in any sort of kinship. I'm more of a say it as I see it person who shooting straight from the heart and prefer the same from others. Treat people as you want to be treated is my motto and I love being with people who I can be myself around. It's really hard when you have to think a hundred times before saying what's on your mind. It's important to know where you stand with those you relate to on a daily basis. Having dealt all sorts of crowds I've learned usually, things aren't how they seem and it's just plain sensible to sort the harsh truth from the portrayals so you can play the game better. Even then I've found that each time, I just find one more thing to adapt to, in order to please another. And still end up falling short on their measuring stick, for there's only so much I can keep in the air, even as a juggler.How can anyone function under such circumstances?

Consequently, I find myself wondering why people try so hard to make things work when it's really not meant to be. At every turn when you feel demeaned, lost, uncomfortable, awkward, ignored, and if nothing else: tired of trying to keep up with the jibes and thoughtless comments finding yourself bursting at the seams with hurt why is it that pressure by society, complications brought on by the network you're currently in, fear of turning friendships into groups or just an old relation that's past it's expiration date and is now starting to curdle compel us to grin and bear it modestly ? When you're afraid of loosing a relation, doesn't that fear haunt another as well ? So, why can't they co operate with you in keeping things unpretentious and just plain fun ...

So, hey ! all of you out there, shelf the games, keep things simple, keep them real, keep it sweet ...
This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 24, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

3 Spin Offs:

On September 26, 2008 at 2:48 PM , Anonymous said...

very thoughtful...... i read it at a time wen i ws atully thinking on the same lines.. felt like someone voicing my thoughts:)

On October 10, 2008 at 4:34 AM , dreamy said...

i think people are afraid to let go...they are afraid of being alone again..which i think is much better than being a slave..but for them that is their lifeline..they cannot imagine anything beyond that...

On October 11, 2008 at 2:03 PM , Adisha said...

That's true. I've recently met a friend whose sweet as can be, but has a Horrid friend from her old time, who is nothing but mean to my friend. Yet This girl can't just cut off and let go for fear of losing a friendship that's from a long time ago... Part of life i guess...