Author: Adisha
•Thursday, August 21, 2008
I JUST saw the movie and am positively ecstatic. My heart is racing a hundred miles an hour and my fingers are shaking. So, I did the only thing I could think of doing at 12.26 am. I sat at my laptop to blog. I added the videos to my orkut and changed my status on the gmail, yahoo and facebook and now am wondering how to put into words what I'm feeling after ... a realllly long time ...

You remember the time, when you were innocent, not aware of what the world really holds and had magical dreams of what love would be like? Just knowing that something , someone is there for you whose going to Just meet you one fine day and turn your world upside down or right side up, whatever you needed. I don't remember when all of that changed but I do remember the feeling I used to have. The tingles in my fingers, the sound of my heartbeat, the soft touch the breeze, the sight of the moon that brought to me the faith that I am meant to be with someone and that Life will mean something....

Sure, time changes things. We all come down to earth and lives become practical. I luckily found the one person meant for me, but I'm sorry to say that in the chores of every day life, the Magic of romance doesn't hold fort often enough. I take great comfort and find immense joy every moment knowing that I'm loved and cherished. And I even got quite a few of the answers I was searching for. Life could be a little more right side up, but I'm working on that, and I think I might get there sooner than later. Yet, some days I just feel that there's a part of me that's looking for something. A part of me wants to go out and find the one piece of the puzzle that will finally complete this picture. Maybe, it's motherhood or the completion of my dreams. I am not very sure. I do get impatient at times and try looking for the culmination in the beauty around me like the sky, people, the beauty in the crevices, the smile or hug my husband bestows on me . But then, isn't that's what magical about life ?? The anticipation of waiting for something, specially when you're not even sure what or where it is ... ?? Have you ever felt that you were meant for something ? That there was something you were yet to do or achieve ? That there is a metaphorical mountain out there with your name on it, waiting for you to come to it's base and climb to the summit ?

The movie might not be as Fantabulous for some. It's quite predictable and you know how it's going to end. I know some people find that boring. But the it's a journey. Ooof ! That's something to talk about. The emotions, the flow, the expressions, the lyrics and the compositions. That's sure worth talking about. It's just beautifully woven together leaving you breathless and fascinated with what comes next, specially if you are really listening to the music. I believe it is for every romantic out there who has music as a part of their lives and wants to believe in the magic of love. Closet romantics, even ;). I keep wondering why this movie has stirred me so. Most of all, I believe it is the sheer elation I see on the face of August, when he does the one thing he's born to do - Play Music. And his faith and relentless drive in achieving the one thing that he wants more than anything else - To Be Found. Maybe that's what I'm looking for. One : A magical faith and belief in the incredible ( that you rarely see in today's day and age ! ). And two : as hard as it is to admit, I think I am searching for the answer to the question He already knew the answer to. What am I meant to do Here before I pass on to worlds unknown ? Pretty difficult one, I know. After all, he's a character in a scripted movie and Me, I'm a person of the actual world, who is still trying to find answers to lost questions. But then I do have this much confidence, Time will tell. Ofcourse, till then : my search continues ...
This entry was posted on Thursday, August 21, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

1 Spin Offs:

On October 10, 2008 at 3:27 AM , dreamy said...

ok...added this one to the list too :D